An Intuitive Project Management Tool
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Danae Pollack

Sample Project
A project contains tasks which must be completed before the project can be closed. The project page is designed so that everyone can quickly gauge the progress of a project and collaborate with others effectively.

See below for a walkthrough

Project Walkthrough and Description:
  1. At the top of the project is listed the project properties, project manager, and a brief description.
  2. The project progress meter can be observed to see how far a project is from completion.
  3. A summary of all the tasks for this project are shown here in two tables, one showing active tasks, and another showing inactive tasks. New tasks and new subprojects are created from these tables by clicking the links on the right side.
  4. Every time someone edits the project properties or adds a comment it gets added to the Project history. All project correspondence is recorded where it can be easily referenced later on.
  5. At the bottom of the project page, anyone can add comments and/or edit the project properties.
  Click here to view a sample Task.

Created by Patched Software